Trick Or Treat! Come & Change Your Thoughts With Me!

Trick Or Treat! Come & Change Your Thoughts With Me!

Trick Or Treat! Come & Change Your Thoughts With Me! It’s almost that time of year again! Boo! While many of you are eagerly awaiting a weekend Halloween party, putting the final touches on your child’s costume, or stocking up on candy, we thought we’d create a...
Feel Good Friday: Persistence

Feel Good Friday: Persistence

Feel Good Friday: Persistence Happy Friday! You’ve made it all the way to the end of the work week thanks to your grit and determination–now let your sense of persistence keep you going through the rest of today, through the weekend, and all the way through the...
Growing Your Grit And Your Community

Growing Your Grit And Your Community

Growing Your Grit And Your Community Grit is a skill as much as it is a trait; that is to say, grit and persistence are qualities that you can actively practice and develop. Don’t be intimidated by others’ determination! It’s okay to make mistakes along the way. The...
Wednesday Wellness: Persistence

Wednesday Wellness: Persistence

Wednesday Wellness: Persistence The week’s midpoint is a great time to take stock of how far you’ve come and where you’d like to go. You’ve already made it through so many new changes the past year plus has brought! You have the strength to persevere. As you do so,...
Appreciating Every Opportunity Will Lead You To Success

Appreciating Every Opportunity Will Lead You To Success

Appreciating Every Opportunity Will Lead You To Success Today we’re engaging in a consideration of the long journey through our present unprecedented circumstances. As we increasingly return to normal, it’s important to think about the extent to which everyday...