Quote of the Day: Kristin Armstrong

Quote of the Day: Kristin Armstrong

Times of transition are strenuous, but I love them. They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits. We can make our new normal any way we want. -Kristin Armstrong Transition and change can be daunting and intimidating, but it...
Seeing Eye to Eye: Tips for Effectively Working With Supervisors

Seeing Eye to Eye: Tips for Effectively Working With Supervisors

The workplace is full of interactions each day everywhere you go. These interactions occur between colleagues, clients, customers, and, perhaps most dauntingly, supervisors. There’s an old stereotype that everyone has a negative relationship with their...
Don’t Know the Answer? Don’t Panic.

Don’t Know the Answer? Don’t Panic.

You’re interviewing for a job, and all of the sudden the unthinkable happens. Despite all of your hard work and preparation, the hiring manager throws you for a loop and asks a question you don’t know the answer to. Suddenly the interview you thought was...
Networking Dos and Don’ts

Networking Dos and Don’ts

Networking is key to career growth, whether it be within or outside of your company. Networking builds connections and is a great way to market yourself to potential coworkers as well as employers. Everyone seems to know that it’s important, but how do we...
Finding Equilibrium: The Work/Life Balance

Finding Equilibrium: The Work/Life Balance

The work/life balance is something we all think about a lot. It’s easy to wonder if you’re putting in enough at work, or if you’re putting in enough at home and for yourself. This balance looks different for everyone, but it’s important for us...